“It is history that teaches us to hope.” - Robert Lee
Operation Meatball is happy to introduce our international children’s program which takes American students to London and Normandy for an immersive week of curated commemorative events honoring and remembering WWII Veterans, and then commissions them to take their stories and experiences back to their communities.
BRIDGE TO HISTORY is an international children’s program taking preteen American students to the London and the battlefields of Normandy for an immersive week of commemorative events honoring and remembering the legacy of WWII.
This is not a glam tour or a fancy holiday trip. This is a boot camp to show the students where the war took place, to introduce them to the names and faces of our World War II veterans; walking through the cemeteries, reading the monuments, and meeting our international neighbors, and develop a deeper sense of understanding for what was accomplished in World War II and to cultivate an appreciation for and a connection with the European communities who for 78 years have fostered a national gratitude for the sacrifices of the Allies and set aside annual days of remembrance and observance.
When our Bridge to History students return home, they are commissioned to be AMBASSADORS to the next generation. To share what they have learned with their peers, local civic groups, and veteran associations, and garner a new generation of gratitude and remembrance.
Bridge to History: Normandie
To learn more, sponsor, or nominate a child to participate, follow the link below.
A NOte from the Founder:
“During the last decade of my work with WW2 veterans, I have been continually inspired by the Europeans’ integration of their youth into all of their remembrance programs. They take their young children to their cemeteries, to their…”
Meet the Bridge to history Ambassadors
“Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.” – John F. Kennedy